Monday, September 26, 2011

More reasons why charity is better than bribes v.02

If you do charity, the money will go to providers of essentialities... food housing clothings... and will likely contribute to the improvements of availabilities of those things.

If you do bribes, the possibility for it to contributes not for your accesses to solutions are higher. People who accept bribes could have needs for non essential solutions / delusional needs. They would spend it for something that's not contributive to everybody's ability and desire to help other people... something inappropriate to be prioritized, expensive clothes when people they're trying to impress couldn't appreciate the art properly, expensive cars when nobody in their community really cares about machines, gold when its going down, gambling when theres nothing to laugh about anymore, drugs when they're not sick, massage machines when already had 3 different ones and were not a collector.,,

Humans are sources of solutions, humans are sources of laws for humans in reality, human lives should be prioritized, human lives don't wait.

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