Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laziness V.02

Our intuition of time is that total interactions are always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new.

Our reluctance or inexitement of doing a routine came from this intuition of time. We consider doing what we do won't contribute as effective or as much as before. Subconsciously in my opinion, we want to do the same level of effectiveness as before or more, we don't want to do less.

This is similar to the idea of entropy.

So the way to tackle laziness, if we have to do what we have to do is to experience something else, something inspiring. That experience would then hopefully could contribute to the creation of new nexus, new perception of our routine, on how to do the routine now in respective of the new experience.

The new nexus hopefully would be able to reveal what illusions were surpressing our excitements before. Usually these kinds of illusions are about how you are incapable of making any difference.

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