Friday, August 19, 2011

Terlena v.05

Kenapa manusia kadang bersemangat kadang tidak? Kenapa orang kadang terinspirasi kadang tidak? Pada saat kita berada dalam bahaya kita bisa lebih kreatif, tapi kenapa pada saat keadaan baik-baik saja bisa lebih sulit menemukan tujuan?

Teori saya bahwa keadaan default / biasa setiap orang adalah terinspirasi. Kalau pada saat "baik-baik" saja kita malah lebih tidak terinspirasi, berarti kita sedang tertipu, atau sedang berada dalam pengaruh buatan. Begitu bahaya ada di depan mata, kita menyadari kenyataan, dan kemudian kita kembali terinspirasi seperti semula.

Kita harus selalu berusaha mengidentifikasi dari mana dan apa pengaruh buatan yang sedang diterapkan pada kita, kita harus dapat menghentikannya. Saya tidak bermaksud bahwa kalau kita sedang berbuat jahat dan merasa excited posisi kita lebih baik... hal itu cuma berarti bahwa kita berlangkah-langkah mundur dalam menghadapi pengaruh-pengaruh yang harus dihadapi saat berusaha untuk memampukan dan memaukan semua orang untuk menolong semua orang. 

Saya bermaksud agar kita bertahan, pada kenyataan kita ada di dalam satu kenyataan, bersama-sama. Membuat semua orang semakin mampu dan mau untuk menolong semua orang adalah posisi yang paling lovely. Kalau inspirasi kita mandek saat berusaha untuk dapat menolong orang, itu adalah kesempatan untuk membuka pengetahuan akan kebohongan yang tak sengaja sudah kita percayai.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some of my theories hopefully they are more easy to read. v.03

Time exist due to irreversibility of all interactions. Our intuition of time is that total interactions is always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new.

Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever

Money is a guarantee that the holder has helped and hasn't been helped yet to a certain degree.
Our scarcity is not of time nor energy but of solutions, therefore the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions.

Solutions = Administration = Set of Order = Way of solving problems

Automatically, because of time, level of relevance of administrations to enable people to love and to keep on experiencing interactions forever, fluctuates... and because of time there's always new solutions to be found.
Interactions took place because there are order/laws that regulate how elements of interactions will position themselves. Interactions are creation of new laws.

The Law within love is to not interact in a way/ways that will not lead to interactions after interactions forever.

Personality is a set of laws, an administration that contains set of administrations to keep on experiencing interactions forever.

An Identity is a set of memory. Including memories of personalities.

Life is administration that's meant to adopt personalities already made in the universe. To transport those laws and attach them in other places and by doing so exercise interactions after interactions... Again, to love.

Informations are one type of elements of interactions.

Lies are non mutual informations, or deadly viruses, that flaws administrations against love.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Who to support? v.02

Support or solutions are something that's better, in my opinion to be allocated to those who empower people, that improve others' willingness or desire and ability to help all people.
Opposite to those who disempower all people for the sake of temporary leverage for him/herself.