Monday, March 18, 2019

Kinds of Inclinations

I identify 2 types of inclinations: the for becoming history inclinations, and the perpetuity inclinations.

Examples of perpetuity inclinations:
- Inclination to incline
- Inclination keep on inclining forever
- Inclination for humanity to keep on existing
- Inclination for human beings to solve problems accurately
- Inclination for happiness to be experienced by human beings.

Examples of for becoming history inclinations:
- Inclination for Donald Trump to become  a president of the United States
- Inclination for me to want food in Wednesday 20'th of March 2019
- Inclination for Jokowidodo to become president the second time for Indonesia.
- Inclination for Jokowidodo to become prime minister of Indonesia tommorow.

If an inclination managed to become history, the inclination will be prioritized by every other inclinations all the time in perpetuity. If it failed, it should stop having assets or it will suffer and might brought about all sorts of madness.
If an inclination is a perpetuity type inclination it doesn't have a point in time but it assists the "fbh" inclinations to win. A perpetuity type is resilient, many of them can experience multiple successes and multiple failures,

In case of the Inclination to Incline, He only experience multiple successes without failure. 
The Inclination to keep on inclining forever is a unique case, He exists within the realm of "undefined". Is he successful? is he failing? But within his relationship with the Inclination to incline there's goodness and wisdom, and outside of the relationship are undesirable forms of existence.

There's an inclination who is the "enemy", the Inclination to not incline. Whenever you think that this inclination is good, you are in the state of depression.
Get out of there while it's not harder to do so.