Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Reciprocal Link

A reciprocal link happens when one party gives help to another party and the another party somehow managed to help back the first party.
Reciprocal link took place not when someone gives money to another, money only guarantee the future of reciprocal link of help.

To be a part of lovely continuity we must make the right reciprocal links, I mean the right amount at the right time in between the right people / demographics.
Therefore budgets of reciprocal links should be designed, studied, mapped, and publicized by experts or economists.
Its not about the money, it's about the reciprocal links.

God bless, Jesus is my Lord Forever.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I'm asking, the element of vacuum?

Energy grips vacuum and push it away?
Electromagnetism could brought about vacuums?
Maybe... hmmm I want to know more about this. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

My Biblical point of view

If I see the book of Genesis I wonder about the other side of the coin.
Let's not ask about how matters started? But how the empty space or the firmament started?
Say the beginning was matter, after that was separation. So "matter" wasn't separated before.
So forces that influences existence, manifest not for matter but for the "empty" space.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Melki's ultimate realization

My thoughts are nothing or dangerous, rubbish without God's word... it should not be separated from God's words. Hereby I say, all of my thoughts are not to be understood independent from God's word.
God's words are the truth, and superior over all. Jesus is my Lord, the Lord of all.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Faith is Motivation - my take on Hebrew 11: 1

Faith is the substance of our Hope and evidence for things not seen.
Iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat.

This talks about what makes you move, what makes you work. Just knowing facts won't make you move, just hoping for a better life won't make you move. Believing in the works and Favoring the cause makes you move and even that in my opinion are fractal in nature of it's definition.

Ayat ini berbicara tentang apa yang membuat anda bergerak/bekerja. "Dasar" diartikan sebanding dengan "Material". Sesuatu yang bisa berpengaruh atau faktor yang relevan untuk perubahan selanjutnya.
Kita tidak bisa melihat masa depan, apakah yang akan kita capai dan rasakan. Tapi kita bergerak dan bekerja, tanpa melihat hal tersebut. Orang kristen bukan orang yang tidak tau sains, John Lennox mengatakan kalau mereka tidak tahu apa yang normal mereka tidak akan memakai kata "keajaiban". Begitu juga dengan bukti, orang kristen tahu apa itu bukti. Dan kita mengambil keputusan berdasarkan bukti. Orang kristen memandang ke Tuhan, dan dalam ketergantungan kepada Tuhan, orang kristen tahu bahwa berjalannya waktu adalah semakin terang dan semakin terang dan semakin terang dan semakin jelas selamanya. Tuhan akan menjadikan segala sesuatu baik buat mereka yang mengasihi-Nya.
Dan karena Tuhan akan menjadikan gagal segala pekerjaan dan tujuan-tujuan yang jahat. Kalau bagi dunia kejahatan sudah berhasil, selanjutnya dalam Tuhan semua arti itu tidak benar.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Significance unit cont

Those significance units will change after interactions. In this point of view, what matter (in order to be able to hedge yourself in Love) is not the significance unit, be careful. Because acquiring many significance unit doesn't guarantee you'd be able to keep on experiencing interactions forever.
What matters is how to make Love always have all the significance unit, and your system is always loyal to that (like a sheep to love the shepherd).

Significance Unit

The world has significant units, when an inclination or a system acquire more and more units, it's size, could be 3 dimensional, beyond dimensional, or other dimensional, will increase.
Inclinations with little significance unit only can change the system of larger inclinations by a portion.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gravity and Heat, a speculation

So here's just a speculation of mine,

When it's hot, beyond dimensional space would be more accomodative to independence of energy.
When it's cold beyond dimensional space would make the energy occupy some lines or discipline, so that they could bond with each other, and create matter.
This geometrical switching is gravity, when it's cold the shape of space in beyond dimensions would... (should be continued)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

mind dimensional shape v.02

As I've said before, the 4th dimension and 5th and so on, could be united and called the beyond dimension. And that's thickness. Because there's thickness within thickness.

Now I say there's dimension transcend through the mind. A shape of a ball never been seen before is different than the shape of an identical ball that has been seen before.
Because objects that had been seen, has a shape not only in this ordinary dimension but also in the mind of the people associate it with balls that they've seen when they were little kids or when they first learned about shape and not only that also the limits, the differenciation between the ball and the outside world, that limit is also a shape created by the people and that shape is also a shape connected with the ball.

(this is my old conclusion reminded while watching benoit mandelbrot at bigthink youtube, but even when I conclude this maybe I've watched benoit at TEDtalks.)


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who are we? v.03

We are the inclination to make valuable set of memories that we have.
So, our set of memories (that we have) we want to make it useful, or valuable.
And the set of memories (that we have) we want to make it practiced and used in reality.

Memories could seem to be embedded in our children, that's why some parents could live for their children, as if their children are their memories.

Supposedly this system also mean that we are the inclination to live forever.
But this doesn't apply for people who adopted evil inclinations.

We are the inclination to maintain our memory, and memories don't always have to be located in the brain. Jesus is a memory of God. Memory is formation that exists after interaction.