Monday, March 18, 2019

Kinds of Inclinations

I identify 2 types of inclinations: the for becoming history inclinations, and the perpetuity inclinations.

Examples of perpetuity inclinations:
- Inclination to incline
- Inclination keep on inclining forever
- Inclination for humanity to keep on existing
- Inclination for human beings to solve problems accurately
- Inclination for happiness to be experienced by human beings.

Examples of for becoming history inclinations:
- Inclination for Donald Trump to become  a president of the United States
- Inclination for me to want food in Wednesday 20'th of March 2019
- Inclination for Jokowidodo to become president the second time for Indonesia.
- Inclination for Jokowidodo to become prime minister of Indonesia tommorow.

If an inclination managed to become history, the inclination will be prioritized by every other inclinations all the time in perpetuity. If it failed, it should stop having assets or it will suffer and might brought about all sorts of madness.
If an inclination is a perpetuity type inclination it doesn't have a point in time but it assists the "fbh" inclinations to win. A perpetuity type is resilient, many of them can experience multiple successes and multiple failures,

In case of the Inclination to Incline, He only experience multiple successes without failure. 
The Inclination to keep on inclining forever is a unique case, He exists within the realm of "undefined". Is he successful? is he failing? But within his relationship with the Inclination to incline there's goodness and wisdom, and outside of the relationship are undesirable forms of existence.

There's an inclination who is the "enemy", the Inclination to not incline. Whenever you think that this inclination is good, you are in the state of depression.
Get out of there while it's not harder to do so.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


An experienced Actor/Actresses likely able to tickle themselves for a while.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Why Honoring your Parents is Mega Important v.02

This is going to be a long post, before, here is a keyword from Dr. Jordan B Peterson,
sorry I forgot,
Basically in his lecture in 2017 about Openness and Intelligence, he talked about how if a person sees the future as predictable it would became easier for him/her to invest in his/her future. And the opposite is true. So if a person wants to be hardworking he/she would achieve that state easier if he/she believed that the future is certain for him/her.

Have you ever experienced a serene and powerful lonely time in your parents' house when they are away? But when they got back home the house become so stressful you lost your previous drive to plan and execute?
Well that means your parents has managed to provide you with stability, good enough for you to see forward. However your parents can't feel that about their home, and you must understand, when you saw a serene and powerful house they saw bills, clients, customers, employees, or bosses that has their own problems, in order to maintain the family.
That house mean less of a solution to them than it is to you.

Ofcourse the logical solution would be to leave you alone to do your thing. Because you'd do so much more with the stability that they have achieved. but... deep down inside they might or may not trust you.

And it's the same everywhere, except in China the culture of honoring your parents is so prevalent and even over the top sometimes, the parents could be certain that their children would be less prioritized by the society if they become ungrateful.

What I'm saying is, yes your parents love you, and they love you unconditionally to a point.
But beyond that point, it's still business... cause they are human being that's still liable to problems and sufferings they have their own fear and negotiation standards.
And this blog is meant for your family to be honest or realistic about it. Your parents need profit from you as well.

Be a profitable person

On side note here's a formula for life achievements:
x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 + x4y4 + x5y5 + x6y6, etc.
x being the principal, or the spirit (you improve this by learning, enjoying, copying, creating)
y being the authors, or the humans (you improve this point by giving thanks to them)

x1 could be mathematics, x2 could be medicine, x3 could be accounting, x4 could be security
and all of the solutions you enjoy in life...
each segment could represent mathematics, medicine, accounting, security, etc. In other words all the solutions you've experienced.

In order to maximize your potential, you'd want to give thanks accordingly, like free trade each person or entities has different talents or specialities, but the rule of thumb is you'd achieve maximum advantage if you allocate 50:50 to the x:y.

I made this not out of science but out of intuition from my life (even now I have changed it to correct it). It might not be that good, but it's something, really.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Privacy Policy of this Blog

The Privacy Policy of This blog v.07

Bahasa Indonesia:
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Ada juga kemungkinan informasi-informasi tentang lokasi anda, ip address anda, tentang komputer anda, di ambil dan digunakan oleh google atau pihak-pihak ketiga tersebut.
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Cookie is a small file used by sites to pull informations from your computer. Such informations usually are your IP address, country of origins, and referring sites.

I have enabled the google adsearch on my blog, as well as adsense, it will provide you search results from my webpages. Upon using the system, you would be exposed to the chance that some third parties might plant cookies in your browser and/or they'd be looking into your browser for existing cookies.
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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Pembunuhan terakhir

Pada saat kecenderungan untuk tidak berkecenderungan dibunuh (tidak ada kecenderungannya untuk mempertahankan diri sama sekali, dan tidak ada yang menjadi bagiannya sama sekali)
Maka kedamaian dan kemajuan permanen akan tercapai, dan segala yang jahat tidak akan merasakan apa-apa lagi.

Tapi sebelumnya mungkin akan terjadi Hell,

Ketika semua hukum alam bisa dikomputerisasi, dan masa lalu bisa dilacak / ditrace dengan akurat, semua termasuk sel-sel yang mati saat kita mandi bisa dihidupkan kembali.
Untuk mencapai hal ini, banyak kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang jahat akan dibentuk kembali kemudian dibunuh lagi untuk menemukan memori makhluk-makhluk hidup dan menyimpannya.
Selama proses ini maka neraka akan terjadi, dimana semua yang jahat akan terbentuk kemudian dihancurkan lagi berulang-ulang. Tapi, sakitnya tidak terakumulasi semuanya (sebagian besar). Karena memori mereka tidak diakumulasi.

Neraka adalah tempat ratap tangis dan kertak gigi, penderitaan terus menerus, tapi mungkin tidak seperti yang kita bayangkan, mereka mungkin akan selalu melupakan penderitaan - penderitaan yang lalu, dan rasa sakit dari yang lalu pun akan hilang.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Resolution

If it absolutely, conscious and subconsciously, have no inclination to protect itself... then, it can't feel anything.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What is Problem and What is Solution?

Problem is a combination of inclinations that would stop us from inclining to incline.
Solution is a combination of inclinations that would stop Problems from being prioritized.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Evolution of Inclinations

The universe has experienced evolution of inclinations. Example evolution of the inclination to preserve humanity. Firstly it's only the inclination to preserve few humans got prioritized, but then the inclination to preserve many humans became prioritized.
We could direct the evolution of inclinations. Example, we make the "inclination of humanity's problems to be solved" stronger by increasing access to education for the poor. Increase the level of wannability of the smart to help the whole humanity rather than just focusing on each individual. And then try to breed the smartest humans with high level of wannability to help the whole humanity.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

4D movement

The fourth dimension is inside and outside, 4D shape of the universe is unknown because matter has the inside of the inside, and the outside of which unknown.
The movement towards the inside and the outside may causes vaccuum which causes fields including the field of gravity and the expansion of the universe.
Energy always moves, and it tends to occupy vaccuum.